Know-how, production power, research and development at the service of your company. Contact us to find out more!
SAC – Victoria presents a new tomato sauce, made from fresh tomato pulp and double tomato paste, with the addition of onions, carrots, celery and basil. Thanks to its bold taste and raw texture it is a very versatile product which can be used as a ready- to- use sauce to seasoning pasta dishes or as a basis to create tasty condiments.
For more information see the factsheet on the website.
Società Alimentari Carmagnolese – SAC – SPA
Capitale Sociale € 951.500 Interamente versato
R.E.A C.C.I.A.A. TO n.372952- Reg. Imp. Trib. di Torino n.858/1983- M.ESTERO N. TO 031566
Codice Fiscale e Partiva IVA n. IT00519450019